Looking beyond the emergency and acting today to mitigate the risks that may arise in the future is the goal of the research project “Covid-19: beyond the emergency” that Smeg supported with the Sodalitas Foundation and the Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences “Luigi Sacco” of the University of Milan, directed by Professor Massimo Galli. The research was developed thanks to five companies associated with the Sodalitas Foundation that have chosen to commit themselves directly and fully support their implementation.
Smeg also carried out a #SMEGperSODALITAS fundraising campaign in favor of the Luigi Sacco Hospital in Milan, a reference center for the study and treatment of infectious, and dangerous diseases with potential quick diffusion. The funds raised contribute to the purchase of clinical equipment to treat patients with respiratory failure and surgical emergencies.
“Italy and the whole world are struggling against one of the most dramatic emergencies ever faced and our love for Beauty – Smeg affirms – at this moment, becomes love for our surroundings. The health of our people, our customers and our friends is now more than ever our priority.”