Men’s personal care: a new promising market


 men-personal-care-1[1]A recent GfK research shows that men are more and more interested in personal care and grooming products. This trend could also be interesting for manufacturers of small appliances for personal care , generally more addressed to women. Young men, between 16 and 21 years old, are at the present moment the most involved consumers target and, according to GfK, are very influenced by advertising, that is for them a relevant source of information. Although a large number of young men are visiting stores to view products, in general they are less likely to browse in a store than women. The exceptions to this trend are young men in Russia where 46% browse in a store, compared to 42% of young women, and in Brazil where browsing is relatively equal at 50% for young men and 56% for young women. For manufacturers and retailers targeting those markets, promotion and clear packaging are essential to help young male shoppers choose between products when they are in a shop.