Accenture: “during times of crisis Contact Centers are crucial”


The most important global consulting companies, as well as marketing research societies, are elaborating guidelines and strategies to help industries and retail to manage the impact of covid-19 on their businesses. Of course, the situation is in continue evolution and every action must be change and adjust according to the Governments decisions.
Accenture tries to examine every single aspect of the reorganization that companies have to face day by day. The first strategic advice the consulting society gives is that “leaders that can make the shift to new ways of working will help reduce potential revenue loss, forge new levels of trust with their workforce, and position their businesses for renewed growth once the pandemic subsides.”
So, new way of working and a new kind of trust relationship with employees is the key to reduce revenue loss in this critical period.
If we think to the importance of contact centers that are the first to keep in touch with customers, we immediately understand how much attention brands must pay to this area now.
“During times of crisis contact centers are crucial – Accenture explains -. The sudden emergence of Covid-19 is requiring that brands move at unprecedented speed to serve their customers with quality while caring for their employees with compassion. Brands are required to re-evaluate how contact centers are leveraged, how contact center employees deliver quality customer experiences, where contact center employees work, and how digital channels can be used to support the increase in contact center volume. Leaders must make swift, insight-informed decisions to support their contact center employees while maintaining and earning customer trust. The emotional state of consumers and businesses adds to the challenge. But the combination of fear, uncertainty and frustration presents brands with both new risks and opportunities. Providing compassionate customer service will likely generate an outsized increase in positive brand perception and customer loyalty post-crisis. Conversely, inaccessible, ineffective or uncaring responses are likely to drive an equally pronounced negative reaction.”