B2C consumers grow all over the world


ecommerceAccording to Netcomm, e-commerce B2C has reached the global turnover of 1,173.5 billion euro (+13,6% 2013 vs 2012). 37% of the world population, 2,668 million of people, use the Internet and 16% (1,181 millions) are e-shoppers. Asia Pacific is the most important area in terms of value, with 406.1 billion euros (+16.7% 2013 vs 2012), followed by Europe, with a revenue of 363.1 (+16,3%). North America is third place, with 335.5 billion euros (+6%), while Latin America has recorded 37.9 billion euros (+24,6%). Middle East and North Africa are the most growing areas, with a value increase of 32,6% (11,9 billion euros). Usa, China and Uk are the three most important countries for e-commerce turnover, with respectively 315.4 billion, 247.3 billion and 107.1 billion euro. They are followed by Japan, Germany, France, Australia, Canada, Russia, S. Korea.