New campaign for Indesit’s #DoItTogether


This year too, Indesit’s #DoItTogether campaign goes on. The Whirlpool’s brand once again wants to underline and promoto the gender equality to help families to share home responsibilities. The cross-platform campaign, which has received seven industry awards including the fields of fairness and equality, has focused on raising awareness of the inequality in housework as women continue to do the majority of household chores. The 2019 campaign will take a more proactive stance to present a positive vision of how change is possible: a new advert shows a family enjoying a more collaborative lifestyle and celebrating the role of education in helping children grow up as open-minded adults, assisted by Indesit’s simple and easy to use appliances. The campaign has been live in France since May 27th and will be launched in Russia and UK in the coming weeks.
Moreover, the brand will take the campaign one step further, enabling parents to bridge the gender gap by setting a good example and teaching children to participate.
«We are proud to be taking #DoItTogether to the next level in 2019 – commented Laura Tazzioli, Head of Marketing Indesit Brand EMEA. – The campaign gained strong levels of engagement thanks to a timely, socially-relevant theme that has really captured the imagination of our audience. In this new phase we are moving from raising awareness to empowering families to make a change, showing how parents can bridge the gender gap by teaching children to be more open minded and collaborative. This concept of wider participation in household tasks has a strong resonance with the Indesit brand, which creates intuitive, easy to use, and reliable appliances that allow virtually anyone to get great results with minimal effort.»