Candy overpasses one billion euro

Beppe Fumagalli, CEO of Candy Group

The Shareholders’ Meeting of Candy S.p.A., holding of Candy Group, approved the financial statements for the year ended on December 31, 2016. The Group closed a very successful year with a consolidated turnover of over one billion euro, up 10% over 2015. Good results have been reported in all major markets and in all divisions and the consolidated EBIT reached over 48 million euro (+87% vs. 2015). In addition, Aldo and Beppe Fumagalli took over the majority of the capital from Maurizio, Silvano Fumagalli and the heirs of Eden Fumagalli.
«The transfer of Candy S.p.A. shares within our families – explained the CEO, Beppe Fumagalli – respects the total continuity with the past and allows us to strengthen Candy Group’s governance in view of the important challenges ahead. Our 2017-2019 business plan, which includes over 100 million euro in investments, aims to achieve consolidated revenues of 2 billion euro over the next five years, target that needs the strong commitment by all, shareholders and business structures.»