Japan’s Good Design Award 2021 assigned to Haori by Toshiba


Toshiba Group received two awards at Japan’s Good Design Award 2021, the annual awards sponsored by the Japan Institute of Design Promotion to honor good design and product quality. The award-winning products are the traction energy storage system for railway with SCiB™ and the Haori inverter air conditioner.

Haori, a joint application by Toshiba and TCC, is an air conditioner with separated body and cover and the structure of the housing reconsidered. The finish is simple, with a fabric cover that can be changed to coordinate with the room. In addition, full consideration was paid to the appearance of the flaps after operation, a source of noise other than the cover.

Established in 1957, Good Design Award is a Japan’s commendation system. Eligible for wide range of works including products, architecture, application and software, projects and initiatives that utilize design and more. Through this system, many people come in contact with “good design” and appreciate their value.