Gifam, first considerations after one year of the repairability index


Gifam, the French Association of home appliance industry, unveils an initial assessment on the repairability index, mandatory in France on front-loading washing machines since 1 January 2021. For household appliances, the repairability index is the first effective indicator that informs consumers about the effective repairability of some home appliances.

Nearly 1,000 references were calculated and sent to retailers and distributors on front-loading washing machines only. To date, the washing machines of manufacturers who are members of Gifam have obtained an average of 7.2 out of 10 with scores varying from 5.1 to 8.8 out of 10, thus allowing a good comparison of products with each other. Since 1 January 2021, the repairability index has been mandatory in France for 5 pilot product categories.

«This index is a unique device in the world. We are convinced that it is a first effective tool to improve the information delivered to consumers. The heterogeneity of the scores delivered over almost 1000 references shows that we are going in the right direction. It is a tool of reliable comparison for consumers – said Camille Beurdeley, General Delegate from Gifam -. We are continuing the work undertaken and the reflections on the evolution of criteria with the public authorities and the various stakeholders, for the extension of the the repairability index to vacuum cleaners, dishwashers and top-loading washing machines».