Grundig washing machines with FiberCatcher®


The Grundig motto is “sustainable change starts at home”. This is why the company launched a range of washing machines featuring PET Recycled Tubs. It is made with up to sixty recycled plastic bottles. By transforming plastic bottles into high-performance, durable materials, Grundig washing machines are designed to be kinder on the environment by reducing the pollution of harmful plastic bottles.

A selection of the brand’s laundry appliances also features FiberCatcher® technology that filters out up to 90% of synthetic microfibres during synthetic washes, helping to protect our water sources. More than one-third of the microplastics in our waterways and oceans come from synthetic fibres released during wash cycles.

This washing machines are equipped with the FiberCatcher® technology that is specifically designed to catch up to 90% of these synthetic microfibres during synthetic wash cycles. What’s more, the Grundig A-energy-rated washing machines comes with WaterCare® technology that reduces harsh drum movements, resulting in fewer microfibres being released during a wash.