Special award for KitchenAid 6.6L artisan


Awarded as part of the “Grand Prix de l’Innovation de la Foire de Paris”, the “Prix Gifam de la consommation responsable” rewards innovative products with low environmental impact, sustainable and recyclable. This year the winner is the KitchenAid 6.6 L artisan stand mixer with bowl lift.

Following its approach of supporting consumers in the more responsible use and maintenance of their appliances, Gifam, the French Association of home appliances manufacturers, awared KitchenAid’s 6.6L artisan pastry robot for its innovative, energy-efficient and sustainable nature. «The jury wanted to reward an innovative, efficient and versatile product that fully meets consumer needs. This recognition is an opportunity to demonstrate the commitment of household appliance manufacturers and their constant efforts in terms of innovation, aimed at offering products that are always efficient and durable » – said Camille Beurdeley, General Delegate of Gifam.

The revisited version of the Artisan multifunction pastry robot with 6.6L lifting bowl has 11 start speeds including a soft start speed and features a new slow incorporation speed for more control and precision. The multifunction pastry robot has been designed to be a versatile culinary tool. Moreover, it promotes responsible consumption and benefits from a 5-year product warranty and 15-year repairability.