Bosch awarded its ‘partners in success’


The Bosch Group assigned the Bosch Global Supplier Awards to 44 suppliers from 11 countries. The theme of this edition – the fifteenth – has been “Partners in success” and recognized companies of technology and services honored for their outstanding performance in the manufacture and supply of products or services – notably in the areas of quality, costs, innovation, and logistics. Bosch presented the awards with an audience of 100 representatives of the supply industry. Volkmar Denner, the chairman of the Bosch board of management, emphasized the special role of the increasingly interlinked cooperation between Bosch and its suppliers: «In the connected world, partnerships are becoming more and more important. Hierarchical value chains are turning into value-added networks. With our open platform technologies, we are in an ideal position to seize the opportunities offered by digitalization in our partner networks; for example, exchanging Industry 4.0 data using the Production Performance Management Protocol.»