


On January 10 – 2017 a meeting entitled “Investing in energy consumers’ future” will be held as part as the program of the “Long Term Investment and Reindustrialization” Intergroup that aims to provide the European Parliament (EP) with an efficient horizontal tool supporting the activities of the relevant committees, enabling to develop an overview on these topics over the legislature 2014-2019. The missions of this Intergroup include in particular defining long-term financing needs, identifying bottlenecks and barriers that constitute obstacles for long term investments, discussing and identifying a regulatory framework more conducive to long term investors, thinking about a way to diversify funding instruments, promoting cooperation among financial institutions and policy makers, sharing best practices and monitoring EU policies. Its main objective is to bring around the same table the relevant stakeholders concerned about the long term horizon (project promoters, investors and legislators).
The intergroup could also deal with the optimization of funding channels in order to improve the efficient mobilization and channelling of European savings for growth and jobs and to ensure the highest level of protection for citizens. All details can be found on the