Ceced commitment for a new industry goes on…



Ceced Europe announces that at the next edition of the European Commission-organized Sustainable Energy Forum, an updated version of its Connected Home, first showcased in Paris during the COP21 Sustainable Innovation Forum, will be displayed. «We want to show policy makers and energy stakeholders – explains Paolo Falcioni,  Ceced Director General – just how much all those everyday home appliances we all use can make, together, an important contribution to a future sustainable European energy policy». Connected home and energy efficiency are the center of the Ceced commitment for relaunching of the European home appliances industry and for the promotion of a sustainable lifestyle, as underlined during the last 2016 Brussels Energy Savings Summit held on 25th May 2016, organized by the thirty member-strong Coalition for Energy Savings, of which Ceced is a leading member. During the event, Paolo Falcioni, that is also chairman of the Coalition for Energy Savings, stressed how energy efficiency, “the first fuel” could be a defining project for Europe, a glue to build Europe together at a time when the EU needed a positive engaging message with which to reengage with the European citizens. Steps were also needed to tackle the increasing investment gap. Investment was not finding its way towards important projects – such as, product and systems development and process efficiency. The Summit comes at an important time in the current policy debate. The Commission is to propose a partial review of the Energy Efficiency Directive in September.