Patelec, research and innovation: the challenges to build the future

Roberto Ziletti (on the left), President Patelec Cords and Cables, who answered the questions by HA factory. At his side Marco Marini, CEO Patelec Group.

At Patelec, they have no doubts: Made in Italy products are acknowledged as the expression of tradition, knowledge and design competence strongly rooted into our territory: “Made in Italy is a fundamental asset that companies must be able to understand first, and then to exploit at best. We believe companies’ productivity rise is strictly connected with what can make products unique: concerning this, the Made in Italy can be only an advantage”. Regarding the Internet of Things, for the company it does not just make objects become interconnected though the use of a whole of technologies.

Product developed by Patelec upon customer’s specific demand.

“What is really fundamental is the value perceived by the use of such technologies, i.e. the benefit for end users. As person, even before as entrepreneur, I have always been fascinated by the challenges that, involving research, development and innovation, can positively influence the future. Our IoT-oriented projects are focused on the development of Industry 4.0, model I had the luck of “meeting” at more levels, starting from the exchange of experiences with our partners and customers. My curiosity and Internet have then done the rest, up to accomplishing technical and legal-economic in-depth studies through the relationships Patelec Group has established with research centres and universities. We have integrated the Industry 4.0 model into our reality to exploit outstanding technological solutions at best and to obtain results in the time to market, but not only”. Curiosity is a driving engine also for Patelec’s approach to the relationship with start-ups; currently, there are no collaborations in progress but the company monitors this phenomenon with interest. “The start-up world is dynamic and rich in opportunities: I am not referring to the innovation courses that start from the garage or the homemade laboratory, in a typical American style, but rather to spin-offs stemming from the academic research world or from mature enterprises, with the goal of developing one or more valuable innovations. Certainly, to extricate ourselves in such a variegated eco-system of innovative start-ups is not easy and we need supervision and monitoring activities. The most interesting start-ups for us might be those addressing themes like innovative materials, nanotechnologies and digitalization”.

Tripolar specific plugs for the American market.

Great attention to eco-sustainability themes, too: “Due to the typology of materials we work (copper and PVC), we have unceasingly developed great care of the recovery and recycling of manufacturing wastes. The target is deeming such residues not wastes but resources. Precisely because this system provides not only financial but also social and environmental benefits, it is not difficult to understand that each company, in whatever sector, must consider the circular economy as a duty. Concerning this, in our company we are working to develop a project allowing the recovery and the reuse of the energy exploited”.


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