Daikin Sustainability Report 2020 is on-line


Coming towards its Environmental Vision for 2050, that aims to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions, Daikin Industries has reached important steps in the latest months. The most relevant ones are collected and explained in the English edition of the company Sustainability Report 2020, which is currently available on its website. The report summarizes the basic approach of the Daikin Group for contributing to the realization of a sustainable society through its business along with fiscal 2019 results and future plans. According to the Group, accompanying economic development in emerging countries, demand for global air conditioners in 2050 is projected to be more than triple the current amount. Additionally, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has further increased interest in such issues as air quality, ventilation, and air purification. “In responding both quantitatively and qualitatively to growing needs – they say from the company – Daikin believes that its social mission is to provide safe and healthy air environments to the world while mitigating the effects of global warming to the greatest extent possible. In this report, the Daikin Group sets forth its position and approach to formulating and implementing specific targets and measures as it aims to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions toward realization of its Environmental Vision for 2050, which was formulated in 2018”.

Among the most interesting actions that the company undertaken last year, a special mention deserves the launching of new refrigerant service in Europe contributing to a Circular Economy.
“Reusing refrigerant has become increasingly more important due to the soaring prices of a tight refrigerant market and a stagnant rate in refrigerant recovery. Utilizing the collective strength of its air conditioning and chemicals businesses, Daikin established a refrigerant reclamation facility in Germany. Also, with the launch of VRV L∞P, a commercial-use multi-split air conditioner that uses recovered refrigerant, the amount of new refrigerant charged to commercial-use, multi-split air conditioners sold in Europe has been reduced by approximately 40% compared with the past”.