GfK: wearable devices will pass the 100 million units



According to GfK, in 2016 sales of wearable devices set will pass the 100 million units. In 2014 13.6 million of health and fitness trackers and 4 million of smartwatch were sold all around the world, so that 44% of wearable device sales were health and fitness trackers. Christmas was a very important period for this sector business, especially in Germany, United Kingdom and France, where during the fourth quarter of the last year 36% of the yearly total volume of these products was sold. GfK forecasts that in 2015 the sales of wearable devices will reach about 72 million units, while they will touch 114 million in 2016. North America should be one of the most growing area, reaching in 2015 22.7 million wearable devices sold and 32.4 million in 2016.