The Label 2020 project helps the transition to the new labelling


The old labelling concept involving A+++ to D efficiency classes has become cumbersome and less transparent for stakeholders so that EU has decided to come back to the original A–G class concept which for the future shall involve rescaling of label classes depending on technology and market development.
To help in the smooth market transition towards the new energy labels, the Austrian Energy Agency coordinates the Label 2020 project, taking place in 16 EU member states.
The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and will last until January 2023, with the objective to support: consumers and professional buyers by means of effective information campaigns, services and tools; retailers in the correct, efficient and effective implementation of the new label at the point of sale and in online sales channels; manufacturers in the provision of correct labelling and product information; policy makers, multipliers and other stakeholders in the use and promotion of the new label within national programs, initiatives and schemes.
Among the most important news of the new regulation, we remember that there will be one common scale for all products including only class A to G. There will be no extension to A+ classes anymore. 
The label will be linked to a new EU product database via a QR-Code, that provides additional product information for all labelled products for buyers, retailers as well as for market surveillance. In 2021 new labels will be implemented in physical stores and on-line shops for 5 product groups: household refrigerators and freezers, washing machines and washer-dryers, dishwashers, TVs and displays, light sources.
For other labelled product groups like air conditioners, tumble dryers, vacuum cleaners, water heaters etc. the new labels will be implemented as soon as the relevant EU regulations will be in force.