Gorenje, once again with the Slovenian Nordic Ski Teams


After 25 years of partnership, Gorenje will be once again sponsor of the Slovenian Nordic Ski Teams – ski jumpers, cross-country skiers, and the Nordic combined team. To commemorate 25 years of cooperation, the company is preparing a travelling exhibition and many promotional activities. «We felt our Nordic Ski Team needs – said Drago Bahun, Gorenje management board member and vice chairman of the Ski Association of Slovenia – not only a sponsor, but rather a partner who is by their side and looks beyond the short-term returns on investment. Although the situation was far from rosy at the beginning and the sporting achievements were sub-par, Gorenje firmly believed there was winning spirit in the team – both in competitors and in the management – and that zeal and efforts would eventually bring top-class results».
The success of the brand has always been significant in the East of Europe, as shown also by the assignment, for the twelfth year in a row, of the title “The Best from Serbia”, campaign organized bythe Serbian Chamber of Commerce, and the Ministry of Commerce, Tourism, and Telecommunication, that selected the best brands and companies as rated based on their financial and market achievements. Gorenje was once again found the best foreign brand made in Serbia. The campaign included 140 companies with 196 brands, vying for the title of the best.