Aham statement on “Save Our Gas Stoves Act”


Aham, the North American Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers, published a statement regarding the “Save Our Gas Stoves Act”. «Strong bipartisan support for the Save Our Gas Stoves Act tells us that Americans value the ability to choose the cooking appliance that works best for their home – the Association says –. This legislation will prevent the U.S. Department of Energy from finalizing its extreme standard, which would force manufacturers to radically redesign gas cooking appliances at the cost of popular features and convenience».

Aham adds that «Americans, 40 percent of whom live in homes that cook with gas, do not want to give up multiple large burners or spend a full day per year just waiting for water to boil, both of which would be a reality for gas cooking appliances if the DOE’s proposal were to take effect. The DOE’s proposal is a major setback for innovation and offers only negligible energy savings in return. This is a personal issue that transcends the political divide, and we are pleased to see the U.S. Senate follow with its own bill to support and send the Save Our Gas Stoves Act to President Biden’s desk».