Gifam confirms Véronique Denise as president

Véronique Denise

Gifam, the French Association of Home Appliances Brands announced the re-election of Véronique Denise, president of Beko France, as president. Re-elected by the members of the Board of Directors at the end of her first term of office, which began on March 11, 2021, she will be president for another year.

Under the impetus of Véronique Denise, Gifam continued its work, in collaboration with the various stakeholders (members, public authorities, eco-organizations, etc.) in favor of a circular economy such as the implementation of regulatory provisions the AGEC law, the repairability index, which will evolve into a sustainability index, or even the Climate and Resilience law.

«Recent years have been marked by exceptional growth, demonstrating that household appliances remain an essential partner in the daily lives of French people looking for a combination of comfort and energy sobriety – comments Véronique Denise –. They have also been driven by the implementation of a series of initiatives such as the platform and regulatory mechanisms in which Gifam has actively taken part to inform the consumer and produce increasingly eco-responsible devices. During this new mandate, I will be keen to continue this momentum and demonstrate the industry’s ongoing commitment to remain mobilized to meet the next economic and environmental challenges