Strong growth for household appliances on the French market


Gifam, the French Association of home appliances manufacturers, reported the 2021 results of the market, according to the data recorded by GfK Market Intelligence. The sectore closed 2021 with a revenue of 9.9 billion euro and a value growth of +7.6%. Appliances have benefited from the refocusing of French consumers on their homes encouraging them to improve their equipment.

«The household appliance sector was once again at the rendezvous in 2021, with exceptional growth. It has confirmed its special place in the hearts of the French, symbolizing comfort and life quality – commented Véronique Denise, president of Gifam -. Throughout the year, we have seen the emerging trends of the health crisis of 2020, increase and become the new normal. The French have found refuge in their homes by creating real cocoons.»

With 16.6 million devices sold and 6 billion euro in revenue, large household appliances recorded a growth of +10.8% in value and +4.6% in volume. The market records a third year increase after +2.4% between 2019 and 2020. Cooking (33% of the market in value) is the most growing category (+13.2%), followed by Washing (38% of the market in value) that also had an excellent year (+10.3%) driven by good tumble dryer results (+14.9%). As regard the refrigeration market (24% of the market in value), it continues to grow (+8.7%) after a 2020 already very positive (+5.0%).

Also the small domestic appliances continue to attract the French: 57.3 million devices sold in 2021 for a turnover of 3.9 billion euro, according to data from GfK Market Intelligence. Small household appliances, which have been growing year on year for the past five years, posted an increase of +2.9% in value and +0.9% in volume.