Groupe SEB Argentina launched the “Chain of Flavors” solidarity campaign


In Argentina, the current Covid-19 health crisis has severely affected the most vulnerable sectors so that many NGO’s supporting people in the poorest areas of the country are finding themselves in difficulty as they are not able to deliver the daily meals to those most in need anymore.
Groupe SEB Argentina decided to support them by launching the “Chain of Flavors” solidarity campaign. The campaign idea came from the Moulinex Argentina Instagram account, where famous Argentine influencers regularly upload stories whilst cooking recipes using the Group’s products. Under the current circumstances, the influencers started preparing special food boxes to support the people in need. The employees from Groupe SEB Argentina followed the example and are now also preparing meals to support the NGO’s in difficulty. The General Manager and his family were the first to cook and the objective is to help 50-75 people with a weekly delivery of Groupe SEB cooked food meals.
“We hope this campaign – Groupe SEB explains – will raise awareness and encourage other people who follow us on social media to do the same. This campaign will also permit to connect our organizational culture with the solidarity and social responsibility values.”