Zvei invites Europe to work together for the recovery


Zvei, the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers’ Association, encourages European countries to stay united and cohesive to exit the Covid-19 crises. Green Deal, electrification and digitalization are, according to Zvei the main areas to focus on for a real recovery of the EU industry and economy.
«The Recovery Plan – ZVEI President Michael Ziesemer states – has the potential to lead the European Union out of the crisis. The financial resources made available should be used in a targeted manner for investments in the Green Deal as well as in a broad-based electrification of all sectors and in digitisation. Thus, there is an opportunity to bring the EU, which has been predominantly dissonant lately, back together more strongly and at the same time make it more competitive internationally. The requirements of climate protection and the rapidly advancing digital transformation now require a bold approach from the Heads of State and Government. Then, Europe can take a leading role internationally in mastering both challenges.»

Michael Ziesemer, Zvei President

In a press release the Association underlines that the corona pandemic has led the European Union into the biggest economic crisis since its foundation. It is important that Europe now stands together and puts national egoisms aside. The ZVEI demands that tomorrow’s European Council adopts the Recovery Plan and immediately introduces specific measures to help the Member States, regions and economic sectors particularly affected by the pandemic and sets the course for sustainable economic growth, competitiveness and future viability.