Samsung Italy organizes special webinar for built-in


In this particular situation in which in Italy it is impossible have meetings, Samsung has organized a special activity aimed at guaranteeing and extending the company support offered to its partners in the built-in channel. Aimed at professionals in the sector, Samsung webinars aim to provide the know-how necessary to meet the needs of the market. The interactive courses allow partners to deepen their knowledge and exclusive technologies of Samsung built-in products, have visibility of new launches, be updated on active promotions or new ideas to communicate them and in general acquire the right topics to offer a better service. to the final consumer.
Structured in two-hour sessions, the webinars use the videoconferencing tool to put Samsung trainers in communication with furniture and kitchen retailers throughout Italy. It is not simply a top-down training but interactive modules in which the trainer can answer specific questions and doubts, deepen the topics of greatest interest and provide more technical information on the innovative technologies of Samsung built-in products.
Since joining the built-in channel, the company has always believed in the one-to-one relationship with its partners, making personalized training a strategic element of its expansion. 
The on-line training channel will remain active even after the current emergency, alongside the traditional one to give an even more timely and immediate response to the needs of professionals in the sector.
«Samsung has always considered collaboration with its partners an essential asset. Offering a personalized consultancy service on how to respond to the needs of final consumers through our technologies is fundamental for us and will continue to be so – commented Rossano Frapiccini, Head of Sales Built-In Samsung Electronics Italy – Digital training is proving to be a valid tool to respond to the moment of emergency, but we want to continue implementing it even afterwards, because it is important to have a multi-level strategy developed both off-line and on-line. Both for appliance manufacturers and retailers in the built-in sector, it will be increasingly necessary to combine traditional sales with an important digital presence, acquiring new skills that until yesterday were not indispensable. And Samsung, a company that has digital in its DNA and can boast a great appeal both on the Millennials target and on the younger native-digital target, is the ideal partner to grow together. In addition to activating on-line training through the implementation of webinars, Samsung is in fact developing new tools that can provide insights with focus on specific issues, always updated and available on a platform created exclusively for its partners.»