Home appliances are growing fast in Turkey


Turkey is going to close 2017 with a very good trend in almost all the Technical Consumer Good (TCG) markets. According to GfK Temax, total sales in this sector increased by 19.4% in Q3 2017, compared to Q3 2016, and by 12.9% in the first nine months of the year. Telecommunication, major domestic appliances (MDA) and consumer electronics (CE) sectors were among those that recorded the best performance – up by 23.8 percent, 21.6 percent and 19.1 percent respectively. Small domestic appliances (SDA), office equipment & consumables and information technologies (IT) also contributed positively to the overall growth. Major domestic appliances closed the period from January to September 2017 with a growth of 25%, the highest sales value of the year generated so far. All product groups performed double digit growth but the strongest contribution to the trend arrived from No Frost bottom freezer coolers, 9 kg loading capacity washing machines and upright freezers. Approaching to the end of cancellation of OTV taxes effected positively.
A good performance was recorded also by small domestic appliances, which grew by 9.1% in the third quarter 2017 (compared to Q3 2016) and by 4.9 in the first nine months of the year. The best sellers of this market have been: hot beverage makers, sandwich/waffle/grills and vacuum cleaners. Increased demand for cyclonic vacuum cleaners and Turkish coffee makers were also among the main motivators. Deep fryers and shavers, instead, recorded double digit negative growth, as well as kettles, with a decrease of single digit rate.
Regarding Brown Goods, GfK Turkey recorded a growth by 19.1 in Q3 2017 and by 11.3% in the first nine months of the year. PTV, AHS, soundbar, Bluetooth speakers and camcorders performed a double digit growth, while Car navigations, DVD player/recorder, headphones recorded a negative trend.