Ceced: a ‘smart standard’ for a smart industry


Home appliances industry in the smart era needs a new standardization process to be able to develop in the right way. This is one of the themes Ceced Europe (European Committee of Domestic Equipment Manufacturers) strongly underlines, as happened in the recent #WorldStandardsDay2017. According to the Committee home appliance industry thrives in a market that is supported by the European standardization process that brings many benefits to both industry and consumers alike. These standards must be able to cope with developments in innovation, and must be sufficiently flexible and responsive to the speed of change and technology neutral.
«The standardization process – Paolo Falcioni, CECED’s Director-General – says – is absolutely fundamental to our industry. The way in which standards are developed for smart appliances will go a long way to further develop this technology in the market place. We welcome all moves that help the standardisation process stimulate the exciting innovations our industry continues to generate.»