From 4 to 12 April 2015 many events will be organized in the USA for the National Robotics Week, an initiative established by Congress and iRobot in 2010 to raise awareness about robots and their important role in shaping the future of education, industry and the U.S. economy.
During this week students, educators and influencers who share a passion for robots and technology will join to see and take part at hundreds of planned robotics competitions, demonstrations and educational activities. According to iRobot, the main goals of the National Robotics Week are of several kind: inspiring students of all ages to pursue careers in robotics and other science, technology, engineering, and math-related fields (STEM); celebrating the world of robotics technology development and its growing importance on the economy; educating the public about how robots can positively impact society, both now and in the future. «Advances in the robotics industry – explained Colin Angle, chairman and ceo of iRobot – are taking place at an astounding clip. Our goal with National Robotics Week is to harness the excitement of robotics innovation to inspire and engage the next generation in STEM leaders. iRobot is proud to lead this important initiative, which allows us to share our 25 year-long passion for robotics with students across the nation, as well as celebrate the amazing accomplishments of innovators throughout the field.»