Bsh: 4.6 million of super-efficient appliances sold


5_1_Siemens_Cool_Efficiency[1]In 2013, Bsh, Bosch and Siemens Home Appliances Group, increased its sales of super-efficient appliances in Europe by 15% over the previous year. It means a total of 4.6 million pieces, equal to 35% of overall sales volumes. This result made the company achieved the fixed goal two years earlier than expected. For the sixth consecutive year, Bsh has included the majority of its energy-efficient appliances in the so-called ‘super-efficient portfolio’. The updated list of these products was published in the 22nd  edition of the Social and Environmental Sustainability Report of the Group.
The company program in this matter is very rich of initiatives and activities, which include, beside the low values of consumption, also the eco-friendly development, the efficient resources use in the production, up to the appliances eco-friendly recycling. As a manufacturer of durable and efficient appliances, Bsh focuses on the entire life cycle of the products and has set itself the goal of dissociating the resources use from the economic growth. The sustainable business strategy of the Group is based on four areas of action: business partners, consumers and products, personnel policy and excellence in resources.