Mobile enterprise: a new kind of business


10 ott 2014The number of companies using mobile devices for their daily activities are definitely increasing. Many workers are helped in their jobs by mobile equipment, so improving their productivity level and the quality of the service. Every day drivers, postmen, top managers and many others cannot do without these technological tools. According to a search by Milan Polytechnics, using mobile devices a worker can improve his productivity of 8% (equal to 9 billion euro). This is why all over the world chief information officers and directors are more and more interesting in new mobile enterprise projects.  Enterprise applications, in fact, allow the direction to centrally manage all the company system, boosting productivity, minimizing costs and improving service delivery.
The importance of the field is recognized all over the world. In Canada a Mobile Enterprise Summit has been organizing in Toronto for three years. The event is focused on the best solutions to drive business transformation, mitigate risks, strengthen the bottom-line, enable employees to work at full capacity anywhere and anytime. According to the Summit, this strategy allows companies to build efficiency and streamline user experience; optimize infrastructure and save costs; enhance security and architecture design; enrich business utility and customer value.