With Aeris Cleantec AG iRobot enters in the air purifiers segment

Aeris aair 3-in-1 Pro air purifier alongside the Roomba j7 robot vacuum

iRobot Corp. has recently acquired privately-held Aeris Cleantec AG, a fast-growing provider of premium air purifiers headquartered in Cham, Zug Switzerland. The acquisition supports iRobot’s vision of building the world’s most thoughtful robotics and developing intelligent home innovations that make life better.

«The acquisition of Aeris is an important step in iRobot’s strategy to expand our total addressable market and diversify our product portfolio in ways that will provide consumers with new ways to keep their homes cleaner and healthier – said Colin Angle, chairman and CEO of iRobot -. We are enthusiastic about the growth potential for Aeris’ products, especially as the pandemic has raised greater consumer awareness of the value of maintaining a cleaner, healthier home. We are also excited about the potential to leverage our Genius Home Intelligence platform and existing ecosystem of home robots to bring the iRobot experience to air purification.»

Founded in 2015, Aeris Cleantec designs and sells a range of high-quality, high-performance air purifiers that consumers around the world rely upon to improve overall air quality in their homes. Using HEPA filtration,2 state-of-the-art engineering, intelligence and sophisticated design, Aeris’ aair air purifiers are designed to improve overall quality by quietly removing a wide range of pollutants, including allergens, smoke, odors and pet dander. With the Aeris mobile app, users can activate their air purifier, control the fan speed, compare indoor and outdoor air quality, and increasingly leverage other intelligent technologies to train the device to operate according to their individual needs.