Euromobil: Italian know-how in kitchens and furniture


Euromobil have been building kitchens for over 45 years. The company’s model are characterized by design and unique furnishes, ideal both for living & cooking areas. Euromobil Group owns brands such as Désirée divani and Zalf mobili so it can offer a complete home furnishing. The elegant collection of kitchens stands out for the high content of innovation and technology, with an optimal balance among the concept of industrial production, strong vocation to automation and craftsmanship. Its R&D Center works together with exclusive architects and designers to produce innovative and high-quality products. Moreover, Euromobil is also an eco-sustainability company. All eco-panels are made of low formaldehyde wood particles, the packaging is 100% recyclable and the insertion of lighting systems uses a Led light source with lasting at least ten times more than ordinary lamps, without producing ultraviolet light and producing very little heat.
Euromobil kitchens are also designed and built according to the safety criteria and complying with the current ergonomic regulations. They are made entirely in Italy, in accordance with the most stringent quality and safety standards. All models are tested and certified by UNI EN 14749, specifically for kitchen furniture.