A Charity Week was organized by Groupe Seb Foundation


sebFood and Solidality were the two great protagonists of the “Charity Week”, organized from November 25 to December 9 by Groupe SEB Foundation with the support of the strong commitment of employees worldwide. Several initiatives supporting this cause have been rolled out around the world by Group sites, including food collections, special events with socially-responsible food stores, and cooking workshops. «This annual event – said Joël Tronchon, managing director of the Foundation and Group vice-president, sustainable development – is a unique opportunity for raising all the employees’ awareness of the fight against exclusion, a major cause of the Groupe SEB Foundation, and getting them involved directly.» Groupe SEB employees in France were able to co-finance the opening of one or several neighborhood canteens called “Petites Cantines”, which foster closer relationships between local inhabitants through participation in the campaign launched by kisskissbankbank. For each euro raised, the Foundation will contribute an extra euro.