Very good trend in Western Europe


Good news from the markets of Western Europe, which in the third quarter of 2014 recorded significant growth in almost all areas related to the technical consumer goods. And the most positive trend is just that of household appliances. Small domestic appliances increased in value by 9.8% between July and September, with a total of 3.156 million euro. The growth in the first nine months of 2014, compared to the same period of 2013, is 5.9%.
Even major appliances closed the third quarter very well,  with 8.175 million euro and an increase in turnover of 5.4%.
Consumer electronics, recorded a good trend too, reaching from July to September the value of 6.922 million euro, 3.4% more than the same period of 2013. The revenue of the first three quarters of the year amounted to 21.457 million euro, equal to an increase of 1.9%.
Positive, but in scaling, the trend of information technology and telecommunication, which in the third quarter of 2014 have both registered a growth of about 5%. The physiological slowdown after the boom of smartphones and tablets, has obviously also reduced the cumulative growth since the beginning of the year: the value of information technology, amounting to 39.433 million euro in the first nine months of the year, is in fact only increased by 1.6%, similar to the telecommunication, that recorded in the same period a +1.4%, reaching 31.059 million.

SectorQ3 2014Var. % Q3 2014 vs Q3 2013Var. % Q1-3 2014 vs Q1-3 2013
Consumer electronics6,9223.4%1.9%
Major domestic appliances8,1755.4%3.7%
Small domestic appliances3,1569.8%5.9%
Information technology13,1064.9%1.6%
Office equipment & consumables3,552-0.8%-0.8%
Total panel GfK47,3294.0%1.4%
Source: GfK Temax Western Europe