The Russian Federation joined IRHMA


The International Roundtable for Household Appliance Manufacturer Associations (IRHMA) announced the involvement of Russia among the countries that gather together to discuss important theme about home appliances industry and sustainable technology solutions for global challenges.
The Russian Federation joins the other member, that are Europe, the United States and Canada, Mexico, Australia, China, Japan and Korea. So, the collaboration between home appliance manufacturers from across the globe is further reinforcing with the Association of European Businesses (AEB) in Russia joining the well-established forum for producer associations, IRHMA.
The roundtable was established back in 2014 and has given the opportunity to key players in the sector to share knowledge and be up to date with the legislative developments in the different continents, as well as to share good practices.
«We are extremely glad that we will be sitting around the same table with colleagues from all over the world and be able to add the challenges here, in the Russian Federation to the picture. In a connected and globalised world, AEB sees such forums as the only way forward”, said AEB’s CEO, Frank Schauff.
APPLiA, the association representing the industry in Europe, which hosted the IRHMA 2018 meeting, is also assured that the enlargement of the participants will add a great value to the discussion.
«For our members – commented APPLiA’s Director-General, Paolo Falcioni – the Russian Federation is the top export destination for large home appliances in 2016 from outside Europe. Opening the door of IRHMA for other associations only shows on how transparent and I have to say very fruitful our joint debates about energy efficiency, sustainability and innovation are. We have a common goal to achieve better lifestyles for the society – no matter on which territory and market the manufacturers are active»
The next IRHMA meeting will take place on 5th September 2019 in Korea.