Whirlpool celebrates its first Seabin in UK


Supporting the reduction of plastic pollution around the coast of Britain is the new sustainability project of Whirlpool Corporation, that has start from north Somerset at the beginning of this month. With an important campaign, the company announced the installation of a Seabin at Portishead Quays Marina, the very first Whirlpool Corporation Seabin in the UK.
It is designed to collect and store a variety of plastic waste, from bottles to microfibres as tiny as 0.3 mm. A Seabin can catch around 1.5 kg of waste per day, which equates to over 500 kg per year. This means that it can collect around 90,000 plastic bags and 16,500 one litre, plastic bottles or 33,000, 0.5 litre bottles each year.
The waste is collected in a bag, which stores up to 20 kg of waste. The marina water is sucked through the Seabin, and is then pumped back into the sea. It can operate 24/7/365 with the minimum of effort, while making an effective change to the cleanliness of the sea in the local area.
«This is our first LifeGate PlasticLess® Seabin in the UK. Ian Moverley, UK Public Affairs Director, Whirlpool Corporation explained We chose north Somerset, as our first location, as this is close to our industrial site at Yate near Bristol, which has over one hundred years of manufacturing history and we are committed to serving communities where our colleagues work and live.»
At Whirlpool Corporation’s Yate facility they have been zero waste to landfill since 2015, and for over nine years the site has been using reusable mugs in the vending machines. Furthermore, the company’s offices in Peterborough has committed to the eradication of single-use plastic, providing staff with metal water bottles, which is calculated to save 160,000 single-use cups going to landfill annually. In addition, compostable cups for hot drinks have been introduced, at the company’s canteen, saving over 200,000 cups going to landfill each year.