Groupe SEB will buy 10 million Supor shares


logo[1]Groupe Seb has announced that it has committed to buying 10 million Supor shares (1.58% of the capital) from the Su founding family during the first half of 2015. The transaction will be completed at the price of CNY 17.5 per share and is subject to approval by the Chinese authorities.
Currently holding close to 75 million of shares, or 11.79% of the capital, the Su family remains Supor’s second largest shareholder after Groupe Seb, which itself owns nearly 453 million Supor shares (71.44 % of the capital). The remaining stake, or 16.77 % of the capital, represents the free float which will not be altered by this transaction.
Groupe Seb’s slight strengthening in the capital of Supor does not change its effective control over its subsidiary in China but it confirms the confidence of Groupe Seb  in the continued expansion of Supor in the Chinese market.