Samsung presents the Samsung Design Latin America


Samsung Electronics announced the launch of Samsung Design Latin America, located in the company’s regional office in São Paulo. The initiative born from the company intention of conducting surveys with consumers throughout the region to gain insight on their needs, and utilize its team of designers to develop products across a range of categories.
«We want to do more than simply innovate for innovation’s sake – underlined Vivian Jacobsohn Serebrinic, the Director of Samsung Design Latin America – we want to produce new designs that enchant consumers and have a positive impact on their daily lives. This is a bold new step for Samsung, as few multinational companies have design centers in this region focusing on mobile devices, TVs and home appliances.»
The Samsung Design Latin America team will meet with both typical consumers and so-called ‘extreme users’, such as chefs, to gain a thorough understanding of both groups’ respective requirements of specific products and identify any needs that have not yet been addressed.