Electrolux recognized for its sustainability policy


For the third consecutive year, Electrolux received the Gold Class Award in RobecoSAM’s Sustainability Yearbook, an annual rating of the sustainability performance among the world’s largest companies.
Over 3,500 of the world’s largest companies are invited to participate in the RobecoSAM Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) and, among the 2,500 companies that have been analyzed in the research, Electrolux has scored as one of the 73 (3%) top companies, receiving the RobecoSAM Gold Class award for its leading performance within sustainability.
Electrolux also awarded a top position on the 2017 Climate A List by CDP and named, for the eleventh consecutive year, Industry Leader of the Household Durables category in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World).
«We are very proud – said Henrik Sundström, the company’s Vice President Sustainability – that Electrolux is once again awarded as a sustainability leader in our industry, showing we are delivering on our purpose to shape living for the better. We will continue striving to improve our performance and to achieve our goal of reducing our carbon emissions by 50 % in 2020.»