New technology for Candy refrigerators


Candy_KrioPuraction_CKCN 2021IX-1Candy presents the new range of combined refrigerators Krió Suite with Puraction technology, a special system, developed with the Milan Polytechnics University, that eliminates up to 99.9% of bacteria inside the appliance. Thanks to the association of the special titanium permanent filter with Led lights and Uva rays, 99.9% of bacteria are eliminated in 8 minutes, in case of No Frost Plus models with Multiflow column, or in 30 minutes in the case of ventilated Bio-Frost refrigerators. In addition to the increasing od the hygiene and the food preservation, this new technology also allows to reduce bad odors. The new range of Candy refrigerators includes many versions: Bio No Frost, Total No Frost, 185 cm and 200 cm, with design in white or inox.