Meneghetti’s strategy to face the new challenges

Gianni Meneghetti, managing director of Meneghetti Spa
Gianni Meneghetti, managing director of Meneghetti Spa

Gianni Meneghetti, managing director of Meneghetti Spa, has recently presented his company’s future investments and strategies to a Csil Seminar, held at the Confcommercio headquarters in Milan. In that occasion, he illustrated what the society has planned to face the current international  changes. In a national context characterized by unstable and heavy losses on the internal market, Meneghetti declared that his company has always had clear ideas on the need for change and for the revision of business strategies. In 2009 the society has acquired and revitalized an Italian brand oriented to the consumer, changing the industrial set, investing in a seventy new resources and in four new production lines. Gianni Meneghetti at the head of the company, supported by his sisters and father, has created a growth strategy for the Fulgor Milano brand aimed at a medium-high positioning in the internal and in foreign markets.