Sales of electrical goods increase in the EU area


15 ottobre 2014In August 2014 compared with July 2014, the seasonally adjusted volume of retail trade rose by 1.2% in the euro area (EA18) and by 1.4% in the EU28, according to estimates from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. In July retail trade fell by 0.4% in both zones. In August 2014 compared with August 2013 the retail sales index increased by 1.9% in the euro area and by 2.5% in the EU28. In this area non-food retail sectors are growing faster than the food ones. The volume of total retail trade in August 2014 recorded a 2.5% increase, compared with the same month of 2013. The growth of non-food area sales reached a percentage of 4.9%. Total retail trade rose in all Member States for which data are available, with the highest increases observed in Luxembourg (+12.5%), Estonia (+6.7%) and the United Kingdom (+5.6%). As regard to electrical goods and furniture, Eurostat recorded a + 0.7 increase in July, while  a +3.6% was recorded by the sectors of computer equipment, books and other.

EU28 volume of retail trade 2014
% change compared with the same month of the previous year
SectorsMayJuneJuly August
Total retail trade1.2%2.2%0.8%2.5%
Food, drinks, tobacco0.2%1.6%-0.8%0.0%
Non-food products (except automotive fuel), of which:2.5%3.1%2.6%4.9%
Textiles, clothing, footwear3.8%2.6%1.5%n.a.
Electrical goods and furniture0.3%0.7%0.7%n.a.
Computer equipment, books and other2.2%3.2%3.6%n.a.
Pharmaceutical and medical goods2.3%4.7%3.4%n.a.
Mail orders and internet12.7%11.1%9.8%n.a.
Automotive fuel in specialized stores-0.9%-0.4%-2.1%-0.5%
Source: Eurostat