Groupe Seb closed a good first quarter


SebQ1A sales growth of 2.3% and of 5.1% like for like was recorded by Groupe Seb in the first quarter of this year, compared to the same period of 2015. Sales reached 1,115 million euro. This sustained organic growth is to be put into perspective with the very robust performance in first-quarter 2015 (+9.4% growth like-for-like). The first quarter of 2016 saw no major changes to the Group’s consumer environment which remains highly contrasted, with a rather favorable situation in Europe and China, more modest growth in the United States, a lackluster context in Japan, and persistent crisis in Russia and Brazil. Exchange rates remained volatile and certain emerging currencies depreciated further against the euro versus the first quarter of 2015. It was also reported by the company the continued development of on-line sales in numerous markets, mature and emerging alike.