Electrolux published the 2016 Sustainability Report


The Electrolux Group published its latest Sustainability Report edition, underling all the main initiatives and activities to further increase the company sustainability with the growing use of recycled plastics, the reduction of carbon emissions and many other actions.
Electrolux structures the company’s approach to sustainability around nine promises in three key areas: Better Solutions, Better Operations and Better Society.
In the first area, key highlights in the report include a more than 20% increase in the use of recycled plastics, to 7,400 tons used in 2016. This year, Electrolux has also set a target to increase the amount of recycled plastics used to 20,000 tons by 2020.
Within Better Operations, the Group announced that it has now managed to reduce the carbon footprint of its operations (factories, warehouses and offices) by 50% compared to 2005. The Group’s overarching sustainability target, to halve its climate impact by reducing CO2 emissions by 50% from 2005 to 2020, includes the impact from use of products. Contributing to a Better Society, Electrolux in 2016 launched the Food Foundation with an initial investment of 10 million SEK. The ambition is to contribute more in addressing major global challenges such as hunger, poor nutrition, food waste and responsible consumption, in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.