Ceced: available a new report on testing methods



During the last Ceced workshop about the improvement of home appliances testing methods, testing of washing machines and washer-dryers were discussed and explained. The report of what emerged during the event, which took place at the VDE laboratory testing facility in Frankfurt, is now available on the website: www.ceced.eu. Around fifty participants from across civil society, member states’ authorities, industry and the policy making community attended the workshop to discuss and discover more about the constraints and possibilities offered by standardization to simulate real-life conditions of use in testing methods. These discussions were particularly interesting in the context of the current revision of the eco-design and energy labelling regulations.
The report underlines notably the various arguments, proposals and ideas presented by all stakeholders to improve current testing methods and ensure good future eco-design and energy label regulations. The report also reiterates the importance that all stakeholders participate in the standardization process and provide input to improve the final quality and relevance of standards.