Groupe SEB enters the Act4Nature International alliance


Groupe SEB joins the Act4Nature International alliance, on the occasion of the launch of the European Business & Nature Summit 2021 (EBNS). The Group is now one of 13 companies to make public its commitments to the preservation of biodiversity. Groupe SEB has set quantified, ambitious targets which are sequenced into 4 priorities within a short timeframe: fight against pollution, preservation of natural resources, reduction of carbon emissions, development of projects in favor of biodiversity.

«For many years, and consistent with its values, Groupe SEB has always ensured that its business is conducted in line with its social and societal commitments – explained Thierry De La Tour D’Artaise, chairman and ceo of the company -. As a corporate citizen, we are convinced of the vital role we have to play for the future of our planet. We have already made concrete commitments in favor of biodiversity and are redoubling our efforts. More than ever, we are engaged in this approach which is a truly collective adventure».

The Group has also planned some proactive targets for 2023 including: zero plastic packaging; -20% water consumption per product produced (base year 2016); +90% of household appliance products repairable for 10 years; reaching a minimum of 50% of recycled materials in products/packaging; -40% carbon intensity of factories (base year 2016); -15% carbon intensity of products (base year 2016); -10% carbon intensity of the transportation of products (base year 2016), supporting a forest ecosystem restoration project with a label guaranteeing the preservation of biodiversity.