Fulgor Milano – New experiences in the kitchen


Infusing Made in Italy excellence in the daily life of the “citizens of the world”.

High quality standards characterize the offer of hobs and electric ovens by Fulgor Milano. The historic brand is under the control of Meneghetti Spa –  Italian company operating in the Oem field for over 50 years – which took it over with the purchase of the homonymous Italian company in 2009. Today the brand lives a revival phase, strong of its good positioning in Europe, North and South America, Middle East, Asia. In addition of this all, the production cycle totally located in the plants of Rosà, a few kilometers from the city of Vicenza and the development at the site of Gallarate (Varese province). If in the past the relocation prospects were set aside, even more today the company strongly believes in local resources – human and not only – of which the Veneto region, and Italy in general, abound.

Interview to Gianni Meneghetti, Fulgor Milano general director

Gianni Meneghetti, Fulgor Milano general director
Gianni Meneghetti, Fulgor Milano general director

Has the balance between tradition and innovation led to specific measures in terms of productive organization?

Our company has scheduled the prospective review of activities since 2003, with the adoption of the “Lean Manufacturing” system, better known as the Toyota Production System. Involving all functions, from the management to the production, this system has allowed us to face the market drop, caused by the financial crisis of 2007, with a strong amount of flexibility, useful to meet the new demands of the market.

How do you manage to intercept or anticipate new trends in demand?

Working with a forecast horizon from 3 to 5 years, depending on the projects, thanks to the technical, trade and marketing know-how, that we has been able to acquire over time inside and outside our company.

What tools allow you to meet the specific needs of a buyer?

Needs are several in the markets and distribution channels in which we operate. Before dealing with the requests, we try to know the scenario in which we want to be present;  hen we develop appropriate proposals, modeled on each of the parties to whom we address, through the application of market-driven management.

Which positioning do you intend to pursue in the future?

The project Fulgor Milano has identified its mission in the market of the quality, technology and design excellence. We work every day, well keeping in mind our choices, in order to export to international markets the excellence of Italian home appliances.

Are the international certifications an opportunity to reaffirm the intrinsic value of your production?

Besides being fundamental to access to the different markets, certifications are also a constant stimulus for us, in order to improve our proposals for very demanding users.

What does the expression “Made in Italy” suggest to you nowadays?

We would like it to be a plus in the world of  household appliances, for too much time sacrificed by wicked choice of only production volumes increases, at the expense of image and awareness. We must reinvent our presence in the world, looking at those areas such as design, fashion and food, which managed to establish themselves as the best choice in a global offer.

What characteristics allow a made in Italy product to stand out in the global market?

The contribution of design, ergonomics and use flexibility, and the ability to meet the latest needs of consumers, make the choice falls on the proposed product. We are well aware that today to conquer a customer or a market is complex, but keeping them is even more rewarding.

How can these qualities represent an added value for a buyer who invests in an Italian brand?

The ability to assess diversification, innovative proposals, faster and more flexible companies: these are the elements which a buyer should always take into account, without trivializing his professionalism searching only articles to fill a grill defined by the other .

Do you think it would be desirable a stronger synergy among producers to strengthen the made-in-Italy in the world?

For a country like Italy, which has 97 percent of its companies classified as Sme, alliances are a necessity, an added value, a rewarding choice. Pooling anyone intelligence and experiences means to go on the market with a greater rush and with more important targets.

And the story goes on…
Fulgor was born in 1949 in the wide territory of the industrious area at the north of Milan, to sign with its own calligraphic cursive lettering of the 50s, first the economic kitchen production, to switch to heating stoves and then landing to more modern kitchens, that was the result of the changes in the cooking system and of the constant attention to the consumers desires. During the 60s, when everybody went crazy for multicolor design and the Pop Art, Fulgor was equipped with modern machinery to expand abroad. The next decades are characterized by simplification of lines and materials in furnishings, while built-in appliances and glass finishes arrived to the kitchen. The pyrolytic ovens and the double flame burner are innovations that Fulgor exports all over the world in the 90s. With the new millennium, family Meneghetti acquires the brand. The story goes on with greater force to offer the market and consumer high technology and advanced design solutions with the brand Fulgor Milano.

The magnificent six
Fulgor Compact steam oven
Fulgor Compact steam oven
A multifunction, a steam and a microwave ovens, a coffee maker, a wine cellar for wine storage, a built-in Led Tv. These products embody the Compact series and contribute to the comfort of those who use and "live" their own kitchen. Inside them the top of Fulgor Milano technology and the wish to offer consumers a new experience in the kitchen converge.
Combining the six elements at will, you can choose among different ways to prepare or heat food, make a dough rising or keep the wine at the right temperature, sipping a coffee or enjoying a movie in the meantime.
Fulgor Mialno: Compact coffee machine
Fulgor Compact coffee machine
In particular, the multifunction oven and the combined ones have the cooking cavity in stainless steel, are equipped with halogen lighting and panel with sensor controls. In the first 11 functions are present, including the one for baking bread and pizza. The standard accessories are the round "pizza stone", two stainless steel trays, two trays support grills and a metal one. Even in the combined steam oven 11 functions can be activated, plus a pre-selected cookbook which can be modified at will. Cooking could be with steam (40 °C-130 °C), forced-air or in the combined mode. The appliance also makes the automatic descaling. Among the standard accessories, a micro perforated pot with lid and a stainless steel tray, a flat grill, six Gastronorm bowls with lid and support in stainless steel too. Both the models can be completed with a ventilated warming drawer or a compartment, both with a 15 cm height.