Kelly Mariotti new president and CEO of Aham

Kelli Mariotti

Aham, the North American Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers, has named Kelly Mariotti, executive director of the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association as Aham president & CEO. On July 18, she will succeed Joseph McGuire, Aham’s leader for the past 23 years, who announced his retirement last November.

Mariotti joins Aham with extensive trade association management experience and expertise in consumer durable goods. Since 2013, she has led the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association, where she implemented strong member initiatives, employee engagement programs and public policy advocacy efforts. Since 2015, she has held a dual role as Vice President of Client Services at Association Headquarters, Inc. which serves 40-plus trade associations and professional societies.

Aham board chair Tim Ferry, group president, Tools & Home Products, Emerson commercial & residential solutions, said «Kelly brings a high level of energy and a strategic focus that will keep Aham on a path of excellence and provide value for the membership». The Aham board of directors unanimously voted to offer Mariotti the position following a national search process led by former Aham board chair Pat Bassett, vice president, research & development home appliances, Newell Brands.

After her nomination, Mariotti comeented: «Home appliances make a huge positive impact on our daily lives, and I look forward to working with Aham members and staff on key advocacy, technology and marketing initiatives, building on Joe McGuire’s legacy of excellence».