Stosa Cucine: more than 70 stores in Italy


Stosa Cucine is continuing to expand on the domestic market and to offer its products and services through a growing network of stores. Three new flagship stores were recently inaugurated in Piedmont, Campania and Sicily, allowing the company to surpass 70 stores in Italy.

«Stosa Cucine’s retail strategy is making the brand one of the best represented in Italy in terms of flagship stores – the company said -. Authenticity, design, quality, transversality and sustainability have always been the main drivers behind the company’s strategic choices and the foundation stones on which it has built its approach to commercial partners, dealers, products and, of course, end users. These values have been expressed clearly and methodically».

The three new stores, opened in strategic locations in different regions, vary in size from 150 to 300 square metres but all exhibit a selection of kitchen models that represents Stosa’s design and product quality across different styles.