BrandZ recognizes to Haier a significant role as IoT Ecosystem Brand


WPP, very important communications services group, together with its insights and consulting company Kantar, unveiled its BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands ranking for 2020. The ranking was announced on-line this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands 2020 represent a combined brand value of 5 trillion dollar, comparable to Japan’s GDP, with Amazon crowning the list. As many as 17 China brands made onto the list this year, with Alibaba and Tencent leading the pack in 6th and 7th place, respectively. Haier again starred the list as the only IoT ecosystem brand with its brand value rising from 16.3 billion dollar in 2019 to this year’s 18.7 billion dollar, and its rank on the list from 89th to 68th.
BrandZ’s brand valuation methodology incorporates consumer insights, making it a barometer in the global brand landscape. Each year BrandZ has a separate award for the most prominent brand in brand equity development on its annual 100-place list. The special award for this year went to Haier as the world’s first recipient of the “IoT Ecosystem Brand”, recognizing it as a trailblazer for the ecosystem branding strategy of the IoT era.
“The creation of the “IoT ecosystem” category in 2019 – they commented from Haier – showed Kantar’s acute insight into an important emerging trend in the business world. Furthermore, Haier’s continuing to stand as the only brand in the category demonstrated Kantar’s continued recognition of the value of an IoT ecosystem brand based on its authoritative brand evaluation system and Haier’s sustained lead in the field. Over the past year, Haier has also compellingly demonstrated the charm and value of an IoT ecosystem brand through its outstanding response to global challenges including the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Despite the overall decline of the global home appliance industry in 2019, Haier Smart Home under Haier Group still managed to report a positive growth in both revenue and net profit.
Haier attributes its robust development as an ecosystem brand to the Rendanheyi Model conceived by its founder Zhang Ruimin, which encourages each employee to maximize their personal value by creating maximum value for customers and has endowed Haier with “resilience in strategy, flexibility in organization, and elasticity in mechanism”.