Energy efficiency and Ecodesign will be discuss at the renewables and sustainable energy meeting in Brussels


From 19 to 21 June, Brussels will host the biggest European event on renewables and sustainable energy. During this important meeting, APPLiA, representing the home appliance industry, will debate on essential topics, such as energy labelling, ecodesign and standardisation, and will shake up the format by giving the word to the youth. Among the most important subject, there are Ecodesign and Energy Labelling. According to APPLiA, these are highly effective policy instruments, estimated to deliver energy savings of around 150 million tons of oil equivalent per year by 2020, more than the annual primary energy consumption of Italy. For consumers, this translates into 470 euro savings per household per year on energy bills. Around 85% of European citizens are familiar with the energy labels and use them in making informed purchasing decisions.
The European Commission is in the process of adopting, in the first half of 2019, an ambitious package comprising 11 ecodesign and 6 energy labelling regulations. This package is expected to deliver further energy savings of almost 120 TWh per year by 2030. Many of the ecodesign regulations contribute also to the objectives of circular economy. A dedicated meeting, to which Paolo Falcioni, APPLiA general manager will participate, will inform the audience about latest development and successes of Ecodesign and Energy Labelling policy instruments, and stimulate a debate and collect views on possible future strategies.
The aim is to collect views on what strategic development should ecodesign and energy labelling pursue and how to tackle the identified challenges. Discussion themes will include amongst others: evolving policies in a fast-moving digitalized world, enhancing contributions to circular economy, examining the energy efficiency of systems in addition to the gains brought by stand-alone products.